One of my favorite things we did in season 2 was the opening title sequence that looked like a "Challengers of the Unknown" cartoon as if it was done by Hanna-Barbera in the late 60's/early 70's. The characters for this section were drawn by Lynell Forestal and Peter Girardi put the whole thing together. Peter even "aged" the film with little scratches and pops to look like it was lying around for a decade or two.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 2
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 2

B:TB&tB season 2 episode 2, a photo by William Joseph Dunn on Flickr.
Here are a few more pieces for that same title sequence, as well as a video clip to see how it all came together:
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
Friday, July 22, 2011
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 1
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 1 Directed by Ben Jones.
O.K., on to season 2! Well, this is the first episode of season 2 according to our production order, but it wasn't the first one aired by Cartoon Network for whatever reason. I will be posting the backgrounds in production order.
We had some welcomed additions to the background crew in season 2, one of them being Fedja Jovanovic who drew Kite-Man's secret workshop (seen here).
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 1
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 1 Directed by Ben Jones.
Another Fedja designed background, Plastic Man's home. A monument of tacky if there ever was one. I made sure that the colors reflected that as well.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 1
B:TB&tB season 2 episode 1 Directed by Ben Jones.
This was for the teaser for the episode, but was originally going to be the teaser for the "Music Meister" episode. Ultimately it had to be cut from the "Music Meister" episode because of time constraints, so it was used for this episode instead. Because of this shuffling, I think this is one of the few times we had Batman team up with the same character in both the teaser and the main episode.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
Friday, July 15, 2011
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" color crew mug
Alright, so now that I posted at least one background painting from every episode of season 1, I thought I'd post something different before we get in to season 2.
For Christmas in season 2 I had these mugs made for the color department and the directors I work with. Only 15 of these mugs were made.
Next week: paintings from season 2!
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold"™ Warner Bros Animation
Saturday, July 9, 2011
B:TB&tB episode 26
B:TB&tB episode 26 "Inside the Outsiders!" Directed by Michael Chang.
This was the last production episode of season 1, but not the last episode that was aired for season 1. I believe the last episode aired for season 1 was actually episode 24.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
B:TB&tB episode 25
B:TB&tB episode 25 "Mayhem of the Music Meister!" Directed by Ben Jones.
Not only was this episode divisive (people either loved it or hated it), but this episode was the most ambitious episode up until this point of the series. Musical episodes for any series always tend to have double the amount of everything. Double the character count, double the storyboard pages, and double the background count. Some backgrounds will only appear on the screen for maybe four seconds. Because of this, it's important to make sure that if the scenes are cutting to totally different locations, that the color pallets are different enough for a quick read by the viewer. To track all of the scenes that we were cutting through, I set up the color script you see here to be able see the color flow of the episode at a glance. This is not the whole color script of coarse, but an overview of key points of the episode.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
B:TB&tB episode 25
This background was one of my favorite to paint on the show. A parody of the famous "CBGB" in New York City. It's a shame we couldn't have fit in a Ramones' cameo somewhere. If you look closely at the graffiti, you'll see some familiar names.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.
B:TB&tB episode 25
We have more Easter Eggs in the interior of "TB&TB". All of the band stickers here are names of B - list team from the DC comic universe and the first partial cameo of Wonder Woman on Brave and Bold is a nod to the Sex Pistol's "God Save the Queen" poster.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" ™Warner Bros. Animation.